If you want something, go to the end of the story and experience that ending. That’s all you need to do. Go to the end, feel it real, then get on with your day.
Don’t get stuck trying to figure out how to make it happen. Don’t try to fix things. Don’t try to imagine how those problems and obstacles can possibly disappear. Don’t try to work out what’s the next right action to take.
It’s not action that creates, it is your state. As soon as you experience that ending, immediately in that moment your state has already laid out the perfect path that leads directly to that ending. You don’t need to do anything other than walk along that path.
So how do you know that you are walking on that path and not another one? You can tell from how you feel.
Do you feel comfortable and confident and secure in the knowledge that everything is working out perfectly, or do you feel worried or stressed or concerned about the conflict that you’re going to have to deal with and the difficulties that you’re going to have to overcome?
Whatever you’re feeling, that is what you’re imagining up. That’s what you’re giving life to. That is the path you’re walking on.
Don’t worry though. You can change that path instantly, just by shifting your state. One little internal shift, and your whole lifetime will change just like that.
There is a bigger part of you that knows exactly what you want. It knows precisely what your desires are. You don’t need to make sure you’re clear about what you want, because it already knows without you needing to tell it. You don’t need to make sure you’re imagining correctly and thinking the right thoughts. You just need to let yourself relax and play with life.
You have this bigger part of you that is super powerful, that is always on your side and always taking care of you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You just have to put your trust in this power and let it lead you and take you where you want to go.
Choose what you want, trust the bigger you, and watch your life transform.